Current Projects
I'm currently involved in developing and maintaining the following projects:
- Adobe Scout - a next-generation profiler for Flash content on desktop and mobile. It gives a visual representation of what's going on in the Flash Player, from ActionScript execution to rendering. It's simple and intuitive to use, but incredibly powerful!
- The PEPA Plug-in for Eclipse - a tool for constructing and analysing PEPA models, developed at the University of Edinburgh. I developed and am responsible for the abstraction and model checking features.
Legacy Projects
The following projects are either unavailable or no longer maintained, but may have some historical interest:
- SemCom - a semantics-directed compiler generator. This was developed from 2004 to 2005 as my final year dissertation project during my undergraduate degree. I may make the tool available at some point, but in the meantime details can be found in my dissertation.
- Monkey Map - a mobile map service. This was developed in 2004 as a group project during my undergraduate degree.
- Question Base - fully featured questions editor and tester. This was developed from 1999 to 2002, before I started university.