"But sir, how do you hide an elephant?" -- Rigodon

Revision Notes

Here are my old revision notes for GCSE and A-Level, which you are welcome to use if they are of any use to you. It seemed a shame, having spent the time writing them, to throw them away somewhere, especially given that syllabi haven't changed that much. These are all in pdf format, so you might need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader if for some reason you don't already have some program for viewing these.

As I've said, use these as you will, but please don't redistribute them unless you clearly state where you got them from (I'm quite happy for teachers etc. to hand out copies of these, but don't shove them on your own site and claim that you wrote them please)! If you find any mistakes, then let me know and I'll be happy to correct. I will not, however, be writing any more GCSE/A-Level notes, as I'm not studying them, nor am I teaching them. This should answer the most common question that people ask me with respect to this. I'd like to point out that writing revision notes in itself is one of the best ways of revising, as it forces you to look over and summarise the most important points to remember (and working out which are the important points requires understanding).

Anyway, here are the notes!

A-Level Revision Notes





GCSE Revision Notes




